Folding machines such as this are integral to the production of your mailpieces and other printed materials.
Comprehensive job delivery, from your computer screen to their mailbox
When your newsletters, appeals, postcards and other materials are printed, folded and inserted into envelopes – ready to be sent out to your mailing list – Red Sun will help by personalizing each piece and submitting the job to the Postal Service as an automated mailing through our partner Liberty Mail. We can also handle the personalization and mailing of smaller jobs (fewer than 500 pieces typically would not qualify for automation).
In either case trust Red Sun Press to get your Save-the Dates, Invitations, Annual Reports and other time-sensitive materials to your audience in time.

A successful mailing starts with a good, clean mailing list, of course. Send us your up-to-date spreadsheet. We will get it CASS certified and processed to meet automation standards. From there, each piece is inserted (if necessary), personalized, and dropped at the USPS automated mailing center for most efficient delivery.
At Red Sun your lists are stored on secure internal servers and used only for the purpose of completing your mailing.
Your spreadsheet should include these columns:
- Salutation (optionally the Dear… on your letter)
- Full Name 1
- Full Name 2 (optional)
- Business (optional)
- Address 1
- Address 2 (optional)
- City
- State
- Zip
- Donation Ask (or any other personalized fields).
We will add barcodes and any other additional fields necessary for the automation.
The package can be built in many different ways, and will be customized for your purposes if you need something other than these.

An automated mailing often results in significant savings in postage for mailings of over 500 pieces. It can be sent as first-class (for fastest delivery), standard presorted, nonprofit, or ECRWSS (delivered to every door within a given postal area).

You can also use a tear-off section and a window envelope instead of a reply slip. It can save costs in some cases. Let Red Sun handle the layout to make sure it fits accurately inside the window!
Setting up an account at USPS can seem daunting, but it is often important, especially if you want to send with the nonprofit rate. The process can usually be completed online, but let us know if you need help!
If you do not have your own account with the USPS, we can complete the mailing using our trusted partner’s service, Liberty Mail. In this case you will be responsible for paying the postage to us up-front, before the job is mailed.
Several categories of bulk mailing are available:

Mailing indicias are the panels that tell the post office your piece is part of an automated mailing group. The most economical is usually nonprofit, if you qualify.

For an automated postcard mailing, size must be 6″ by 4 1/4″. Leave at least 3 3/4″ on the right for addressing and barcoding.

Thousands of mail pieces are handled easily in our workflow. They’re addressed, sorted and ready for drop-off.
Direct mail projects will likely involve communication with your customer service rep about the details. Contact us when you are ready to get started!