Over the past two months, Red Sun Press has been organizing to launch a Massachusetts initiative to celebrate the International Year of the Cooperatives (http://www.2012.coop/) and to strengthen our state cooperative economy.

I’m pleased to say that we’ve put together a great advisory committee with representatives from national and regional co-op organizations and state cooperatives. Meet the committee:

Maggie Cohen, Cooperative Fund of New England http://cooperativefund.org/
Andrew Kessel, Equal Exchange http://equalexchange.coop
Doug DiMento, Cabot Creamery Cooperative / Agri-Mark http://agrimark.coop
Erbin Crowell, Neighboring Food Co-op Association http://nfca.coop/
Emily Lippold Cheney, North American Students of Cooperation http://nasco.coop
Noemi Giszpenc, Cooperative Development Institute http://www.cdi.coop/
Melissa Hoover, US Federation of Worker Co-ops http://usworker.coop
Ivy Foster, Whirlybird Co-op http://whirlybird.bostoncoops.org
Peter Brown, Red Sun Press http://redsunpress.com
Yesterday, we officially announced the initiative and new website, and have begun the process of reaching out to the hundreds of co-ops and credit unions in the state, to seek their participation. Below is the official announcement. Please help spread the word!
It’s 2012, the International Year of Cooperatives (IYC)!
Today, we’re announcing a new Massachusetts state wide initiative:
OPERATION COOPERATION http://operation.coop
Our goals are to: highlight the importance and power of the Massachusetts cooperative economy; to forge better cooperation across our co-op sectors; to increase citizen awareness and support for our cooperative economy.
Find us online: http://operation.coop
Like us on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/operation.coop
Please share this email with your colleagues and friends!
Join the conversation at http://groups.google.com/group/operationcooperation/
Q: How can my co-op participate in Operation Cooperation?
A: We will be publishing a list of participating co-ops. Join the list at: http://operation.coop/?p=219 Through your participation we can start to promote collective actions that strengthen our co-op economy across all sectors.
Q: I don’t live or work in a cooperative. What’s my role?
A: First, join in support at http://operation.coop/?p=219 . Help spread the word and encourage friends to join too. We are preparing a public campaign to promote actions that all citizens can take to support cooperation. These actions include: Move your money to a credit union; Join a food co-op; Do business with local cooperative enterprises; Support co-op food brands; Renting or sharing? Learn more about the benefits of cooperative living.
Q: What’s first?
A: We have a Boston City resolution being prepared and the text of a State Resolution that we want to build support for. The draft text can be seen here http://operation.coop/?p=11
Q: I have a great idea or suggestion. What do I do?
Join the conversation at http://groups.google.com/group/operationcooperation/
In cooperation
Operation Cooperation Team

Peter T. Brown
Red Sun Press